
Flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming
Flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming

  • The radio advertising advertising budget is restricted to a maximum of $99,000.
  • The television budget should be at least $140,000.
  • Use no more than 20 television advertisements.
  • Use at least twice as many radio r adio advertisements as television advertisement.
  • To balance the advertising campaign and make use of all advertising media, Flamingo’s Flami ngo’s management team also adopted the following guidelines. Because of management’s concern with attracting new customers, management stated that the advertising must reach at least 100,000 new customers. Flamingo’s management team accepted maximizing the total exposure ra ting, across all media, as the objective objective of the advertising campaign. Similarly for newspaper ads, the preceding data are reliable up to a maximum of 20 the exposure rating declines to 5 and the potential number of new customers reached declines to 800 for the additional ads. Beyond 15 ads, the exposure rating declines to 20 and number of new customers reached declines to 1200 per ads. For radio ads, the preceding data are reliable up to a maximum of 15 ads. For planning purposes, HJ recommended reducing the exposure rating to 55 and the estimate of the potential new customers reached to 1500 for any television ads beyond 10. After 10 ads, the benefit is expected to decline. For television, HJ stated that the exposure rating of 90 and the 4000 new customers reached per ad were reliable for the first 10 television ads. At this point, the HJ consultants consultants pointed out that the data concerning concerning exposure and reach were only applicable to the first f irst few ads in each media.

    flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming

    As expected, the more expensive television advertisement has the highest exposure effectiveness rating along with the g reatest potential for reaching new customers. It is a function of such things as image, message recall, visual and audio appeal, and so on. Advertising Media Exposure Rating per Ad New Customers per Ad Cost per Ad Televis$10,000 Ra$3,000 Newspa$1,000 The exposure rating is viewed as a measure of the value of the ad to both existing customers an potential new customers. In a meeting meeting with Flamingo’s management team, HJ consultants provided the following information about the industry exposure effectiveness rating per ad, their estimate of the number of potential new customers reached per ad, and the cost for each ad. The Th e management team requested HJ’s recommendation concerning how the advertising budget should be distributed across television, radio and newspaper advertisements. Flamingo’s management team hired the advertising firm of Haskell & Johnson (HJ).

    flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming

    To help plan an advertising campaign for the coming season. As expected, the more expensive television advertisement has the highest exposure effectiveness rating along with the greatest potential for reaching new customers.Case Problem 2( Linear Programming): Planning an Advertising Campaign The Flamingo Grill is an upscale restaurant located in St.

    flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming

    In a meeting with Flamingo’s management team, HJ consultants provided the following information about the industry exposure effectiveness rating per ad, their estimate of the number of potential new customers reached per ad, and the cost for each ad: Advertising Media Exposure Rating per Ad New Customers per Ad Cost per Ad Television 90 4,000 $10,000 Radio 25 2,000 $3,000 Internet 10 1,000 $1,000 The exposure rating is viewed as a measure of the value of the ad to both existing customers and potential new customers. The management team requested HJ’s recommendation concerning how the advertising budget should be distributed across television, radio, and internet advertisements. To help plan an advertising campaign for the coming season, Flamingo’s management team hired the advertising firm of Haskell and Johnson (HJ).

    flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming

    Module B – Linear Programming Applications in Operations Management Case Study #4: Planning an Advertising Campaign The Flamingo Grill is an upscale restaurant located in St.

    Flamingo grill advertising campaign linear programming